
What is Color Therapy ?

Welcome to the science bit, which might just change your life…

Color Therapy

Is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (light and color) to cure diseases and impact the nervous and hormonal system through the eyes and their direct connections to the brain.

Light and color is information that is transmitted through the eyes and the visual and non-visual pathways to the hypothalamus, the ‘brain in the brain’.

This master gland controls the pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands. In turn these help to control the nervous system, our emotional responses, circadian rhythm and the release of hormones throughout our body.

80% of all information reaching the brain comes through the eyes. The retina has receptors called rods and cones that translate light waves (colors) into electrical signals that then travel at high speed to the brain (2bn per second).

Each color represents a different intensity, or frequency, of energy wave that has a different impact on the state of being of the recipient. The healing properties of each color’s vibrational frequency is studied in the science of ‘chromotherapy’ or Color Therapy which is an exciting new frontier in personal wellness and alternative healing therapy.

Blue Therapy

In its essence, it is a centuries’ old concept with records of use dating back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. There have been times during which encouraging research has been conducted over the past century, but generally it is an under-researched arm of natural, non addictive treatment methods.

Today, Color Therapy is undergoing a renaissance. Vibrational healing, of which Color Therapy is an important part, has the potential to revolutionize elements of the healthcare and wellbeing sectors. This field of enquiry is often compared to Yoga and meditation that over the past decade gained widespread acceptance and have been increasingly researched and validated.

As you can see below, the applications of Color Therapy are far reaching: from helping with issues such as anxiety and aggression to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), general happiness, better concentration and sleep.

Some more avant garde scientists believe that light frequency also transfers directly through the eyes into our blood and thereby spreads information throughout our whole body.Out of all muscles in our body, the eye muscles move the most – about 100,000 a day. Astonishing, isn’t it? As a result our entire blood passes through our eyes about every 40 seconds, absorbing the light frequency it is exposed to. This programs our cells, with a profound impact on our entire being and the fastest and most direct delivery mechanisms of any medicine.

Experiment with our Colors

Benefits of Color Therapy

Different colors have differing effects on the body. See below customer reported effects and scientifically proven facts (*):

Pink Color Therapy

Orange Color Therapy

Pink Color Therapy

Orange Color Therapy

If you want to learn more...

Here are some useful links to some of the contemporary scientific research and studies into the effect of Color Therapy on wellbeing and to treat conditions.

You can find our color therapy eyewear collection through the link below:

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